Sturgis BOE Approves Millage Ballot Language
Wednesday, April 17, 2024

(STURGIS) – The Sturgis School District took another step forward to bring a millage proposal to the voters.

Monday night the Sturgis Board of Education voted unanimously to approve ballot language for a millage proposal. It’s the same proposal that was voted down in February for asking to have a millage that would collect up to 3 mills a year until 2034. This would allow Sturgis Public Schools to collect the full 18 mills they are supposed to get annually, but do not, because of the Headlee Rollback Amendment.

Board member Ben Myers says he has some questions regarding the ballot language process. LINKC.

Myers also says he would like to see more explanation in the ballot language to clear up any questions voters may have.

Sturgis Superintendent Dr. Art Ebert says ballot language can be confusing despite the best efforts to make it clear to the voters. LINKD.

The proposal will be on the August 6 Primary Ballot.