City Commission Approves Electric and Water Rate Increases
Tuesday, September 3, 2024

(STURGIS) – Beginning October 1, Sturgis residents will be paying more for their electrical, water and wastewater services.

During a recent meeting, the Sturgis City Commission was presented with proposed increases to their utility rates. City Controller Holly Keyser shared what the increase will be for electric customers. LINKC.

The water and wastewater rates are also proposed to be going up according to Keyser. LINKD.

The increase in the electric, wastewater and water rates are the same as they were last year. Keyser says the rate increase for the electric department will be for four years starting October 1, and the water department for three years starting the same date.

The City of Sturgis has been working with Utility Financial Solutions of Holland, Michigan for many years to assist with utility financial management and rate design in all three of the utility funds.

Both proposals passed by votes of 7-1, with Commissioner Marvin Smith casting the lone No votes.