City Of Sturgis Looking At Curbside Recycling Options
Monday, March 24, 2025

(STURGIS) – The City of Sturgis is looking at curbside recycling options.

During a recent meeting the City Commission received an update on the City’s contract. Sturgis entered into a five year contract with Borden Waste-Away Service in 2008. The contract was extended twice for additional five year periods, and a third extension was reached in 2021 which will come to an end December 31, 2025.

Sturgis City Manager Andrew Kuk explains how the City funds the service. LINKC.

Currently the City pays $1.97 per parcel per month, which is the same rate they have paid since 2018. However, since the last extension, the market for recycled materials has changed significantly and Kuk says Sturgis could be paying more in the future. LINKD.

Kuk says they will put together a request for proposals and send that out to companies to get an idea what the cost would be. That information will be brought back to the City Commission during a future meeting to discuss the matter more.